Sunday, December 06, 2009

End of year report.

Yesterday was my last show of the season, It has been a fair year in sales but a marvelous year in recognition, and you know how artists need their egos stroked.
There was a great article about me and my work in wonderful West Virginia Living magazine, there was a newspaper articles and a TV interview but most importantly I was juried int the WV Juried show, on my fourth try. and my piece in it sold, so double ego boosts.

  This one made it

And this one didn't

What a difference a few days will make.

Today the winter started with a bang, even the sun could not get warm enough.

And the moon clutched onto some barren branches of the oak tree trying to stay while the sun chased her across the sky.

And snow bloomed on some dead pods, leftover from a distant summer.

Yet only 3 days ago the sky was on fire with a marvelous display of red and orange while today it is all icy blue and silver.