Again, this year I went to the potters conference with a friend.
As usual it was great with 3 potters demonstrating simultaneously like a three ring circus. In the middle of the stage Julia Galloway was throwing pitcher and making her delicate pillow lids.
Julia's work exhibited |
Julia applying slip |
To Julia's right, Tara Wilson was making sugar and creamer among many other things using darting to make her soft structured pots.
Tara's work at the exhibition |
Tara's teapot in the leather hard stage |
And to Julia's left, was Peter Beasecker demonstrating his very precise works of sculptural pottery.
Peter refining his teapot. |
Pete's work at the exhibition |
along with the presenter's work, all the participants in the conference were encouraged to bring 5 pieces to show and sell. I didn't have any new work to show, but there were many works of exceptional quality.
A flower bowl by Chris Campbell |
A favorite delicate works, by Liz Zlot Summerfield. |
There were also memorable presentations by Joe Molinaro and Noah Scalin.
Although this is a fringe benefit, but the food this year was superb, from salad to entree to dessert.
And, of course no conference is complete without a visit to Dwight Holland's house, which was as delightful as ever. with the overload of pots and Dwight's knowledge, sharing and hospitality.
Beer, wine, soft drinks and heritage flowed through the house |
We counted 142 mugs hanging from the kitchen ceiling |
Pots were everywhere floor to ceiling |
| |
This year I was able to see the pots much better, because we arrived right on time, before it was too crowded and had a chance to chat with Dwight and ask him about pots.
Most of the pots were the work of famous potters, from Reitz to Voulkos, to Sauldner and Hewitt; to Galloway, Myers, Oestrich and Mackenzie. and the tall to the ceiling Chinese pot acquired 2 years ago when the Chinese potters came to town .
Oh what a stimulating weekend that was. I can hardly wait till next year.